Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fidelity in tRNA Aminoacylation

Aminoacylation is a two-step process, catalyzed by a set of enzymes known asaminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Twenty aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases reside in each cell, one per amino acid in the genetic code. In the first step of aminoacyl-tRNA synthesis, ATP and the appropriate amino acid form an aminoacyl adenylateintermediate. Inorganic pyrophosphate is released and subsequently broken down to free phosphate by the enzyme inorganic pyrophosphatase. The aminoacyl adenylate is a “high-energy” intermediate, and in the second step, the transfer of amino acids to the acceptor end of tRNA occurs without any further input of ATP, as shown in Figure 1 . 

Figure 1

Figure 2

This function of the enzyme cleaves the incorrect aminoacyl- tRNA to yield free amino acid and tRNA. This process is analogous to the editing by the 3′-5′ exonucleolytic function of DNA polymerases that goes on during DNA synthesis. Like that process, aminoacyl-tRNA editing causes a “futile cycle” in which the enzyme synthesizes a bond by using energy and then breaks it down. In both cases, the fidelity of information processing is preserved at the expense of energy “wastage.” Mistakes are so dangerous to the cell that the expenditure is a good bargain.